[an error occurred while processing this directive]
254 - 6055.25059.750
360 - 6661.25065.750
466 - 7267.25071.750
576 - 8277.25081.750
682 - 8883.25087.750
7174 - 180175.250179.750
8180 - 186181.250185.750
9186 - 192187.250191.750
10192 - 198193.250197.750
11198 - 204199.250203.750
12204 - 210205.250209.750
13210 - 216211.250215.750
14*470 - 476471.250475.750
15*476 - 482477.250481.750
..*... - .................
68*794 - 800795.250799.750
69*800 - 806801.250805.750
Note the gaps between chs 4/5, 6/7, and 13/14. Freqs in the 470-512 MHz range (Ch 14-20) may be assigned to Public Service mobile use in major metro areas. No transmitters are allowed on 608-614 MHz (Ch 37). Each TV channel is 6 MHz wide. The video carrier is 1.25 MHz above the start of the range. The audio carrier is 0.25 MHz below the end of the range. Television audio is wideband FM. Some TV stations may be offset +/- 10 kHz.

*Range for Ch. N
Low = 386 + 6*N
High = 392 + 6*N